Solar Batteries Comparison Table is Live

By Eco Guy 8:32am 16th March 2017
The new solar batteries Comparison Table is now live.

After much hard work, the Solar Batteries Comparison Table is now live.

This lists the most common batteries for use with solar panels (or time shifting) with the ability to sort, them got into a detailed page on each battery, so you can easily select which batteries are of interest to you.

These battery pages are fully incorporated into the site, so you will find references to them all over the site where appropriate.

We will also be adding more functionality to the database over time to make the pages more useful, so please keep coming back.

If you did find the pages useful, please remember to Like the pages for us!


BTW If you are a supplier or manufacturer of a battery and find something wrong, please do get in touch and we will correct. Also, we would appreciate it if you would point us to the following up to date information for your battery:
  • White background media ready images of your battery.
  • Fully detailed technical specifications.
  • Specific description of the warranty and any conditions.
This way we can ensure people are evaluating your batteries based on the most up to date information.

Related Content Tags: solar panel, batteries

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