Of course they do. Just like action on climate change. I hope they realise they are alienating over 50% of their potential customers who will vote no? Link: https://archive.md/xQavX
The War on Gas is in full swing in Australia and The Guardian is loving it: Gas connections will be banned in new homes and government buildings built in Victoria from next year.The announcement...
This is a transformative moment for Australian energy security. Nuclear power has been banned in Australia for over 20 years, and yet, despite its benefits, no major party has had the guts to challenge...
It’s like Britain in the 1970s. I remember the blackouts and my parents lighting the house with candles and oil lamps. But this is Australia – in the 21st century! We now cannot afford to...
Thanks to the Greens in drag (the Teals), we now have a radical left Labor government intent on destroying our economy to virtue signal about the climate. Seriously, I thought we’d got over...
COVID madness. This insane desire for “zero cases” is as mad as the desire for “zero carbon” – totally unachievable and incredibly damaging for the population. If this...
You cannot have failed to notice that the sixth IPCC tome has recently been released, warning that we have less and less time before we “destroy the planet“...
Yes, it was very silly to gather in large numbers to protest the ongoing lockdowns in the states of New South Wales and Victoria. It will give ammunition to our lockdown-addicted governments to keep...
COVID hysteria has forced 13 million Australians into lockdown with less than 0.0005% of the population infected.
In our brave new world post-Trump, where far Left dogma is the only speech allowed, independent social media sites are shut down by Silicon Valley tech oligarchs, and anyone with differing views will...
So it looks like I will have to polish up my blogging again as once again we descend into another era of climate madness. With the election (installation?) of Sleepy Joe as President, the pointless...
I don’t know how many people here in Australia watch US news, but I do, and the silencing of the Twitter alternative Parler is just the start of a much larger planned purge of conservatives...
Wow. Bravo! It takes guts to make an admission like this. On the other hand, it was a shameful and cowardly act of Forbes to pull the article within hours of publication (Archive here, Google cache...
What will it take for sanity to return? Global cooling? Another Ice Age even? The climate lunatics would probably still blame human CO2 no matter what happens. But before that, New Zealand seems happy...
The Green Blob is guilty of shockingly cynical opportunism in relation to the bushfires. Bushfires are caused (or intensified) by numerous factors including arson, fuel management, back burning, local...
The desperation is palpable. As the public continues to reject the hysterical climate alarmism of the Green-Left, especially in connection with the current bushfires, the Silly Moaning Herald jumps...
Dear Greens, We know that you’re a bit intellectually challenged, but before you make another disgusting, opportunistic remark about the bushfires being linked to “lack of action on climate...
Climate “saviour” Greta Thunberg speaking at the UN overnight made for some extremely painful watching. It was painful not because of the apocalyptic message that she was trying to convey,...
Most of the deluded kids on the climate “strikes” last week didn’t have a clue why they were there. Enthusiastically cheered on by the mainstream media, it was a cheeky bludge off...