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WebSite: Ecopolis Architects

Ecopolis Architects


Ecopolis Architects Pty Ltd provide architectural, urban design and interior design services with strong commitment to the highest standards of ecological responsibility. We consult at the level of strategic planning and technical studies to detailed architectural design that consistently exceeds minimum building code and ‘Star rating’ requirements.

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Everything we do is in the context of a living environment – we are part of a biosphere alive with possibilities and creative potential.

Over more than 3 decades, projects by Ecopolis Architects and its Principal Architect Paul F Downton have ranged from the environmental design of individual dwellings and eco-houses to comprehensive ecologically sustainable planning of urban centres.

Ecopolis Architects has international outreach, national experience, and a proven capacity to work with public and private sector clients.

Our client base includes individuals and organisations committed to the evolution and practice of green design and has embraced individuals, private companies, federal, state and local governments and the CSIRO.

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2024-12-22 03:20:56