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WebSite: tasc Performance

tasc Performance


Tasc Performance Apparel - What we’ve discovered that polyester is just not skin friendly.We’ve invested two years on the project with talented textile engineers to find the fabric that outperforms polyester and is gentle on the skin.The aim is to achieve that invisible feeling, and we must say, success makes us feel proud; because we’ve launched some fabulous sports apparel, patented to allow athletes to endure through vigorous exercise, without discomfort.

Full Description

Tasc Performance Apparel - What we’ve discovered that polyester is just not skin friendly.We’ve invested two years on the project with talented textile engineers to find the fabric that outperforms polyester and is gentle on the skin.The aim is to achieve that invisible feeling, and we must say, success makes us feel proud; because we’ve launched some fabulous sports apparel, patented to allow athletes to endure through vigorous exercise, without discomfort.

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United States

Entry Last Modified

2024-12-21 17:21:10

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