April 27, 2008 play, don't spray If you are in the SF Bay Area and want to speak out against the LBAM spraying plans , please head to a rally organized by some mothers from a local preschool. The Play-In is happening today, Mo... |
September 16, 2008 stay away from bpa This weekend I was trying to explain to a friend why I had been trying to avoid canned food since I had learned that BPA levels where high in the lining of cans . As I heard myself talking... |
June 3, 2008 how do i green clean the.... I've received a few inquiries lately as to how exactly to green-clean some specific things. Since I am such a newbie (I just squirt vinegar on everything) I consulted with my pile of... |
August 8, 2007 more about lead and kids You knew this was coming, right? The situation with lead in toys is so outrageous and unacceptable that moms everywhere are signing a petition to Congress and the Consumer Product Safety... |
You are hereHome › Fiji Islands (2012) Visit REEEP on Twitter Visit REEEP on Facebook Visit REEEP on LinkedIn Subscribe to via RSS Fiji Islands (2012) Submitted by reeep_admin on Fri, 2013-10-11 15:33 Degree of reliance on imported energy: p The t... |
March 12, 2009 more toxic bath bubbles The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics sent out a press release today announcing a study they just completed which confirmed toxins in baby shampoos and washes. This is exactly the kind of sur... |
November 11, 2009 disinfectant overkill I'm a fan of cleaning green since I started my whole green-thing. Now there is more evidence that using safer methods of cleaning is important to your health. Women's Voices for the Eart... |
March 17, 2007 bedding choices 101 - did I fail? I made a trip to the bedding store today to stock up on some things we needed, namely sheets and pillows. I was not expecting this errand to inspire a blog entry, but this err... |
13th Pani Yatra - Gujarat Book your seats now! Earlier Yatras Paani yatra 1 Paani yatra 2 Paani yatra 3 Paani yatra 4 Paani yatra 5 Paani yatra 6 Paani yatra 7 Paani yatra ... |
October 16, 2008 organic essence It is so gratifying to encounter a company that considers many levels of environmental responsibility. I am so glad to have discovered Organic Essence body products. They make amazing, highly... |
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