Thursday, June 26, 2008 The Harvest Table-Sustainable Dining! Living in the mountains of Southwest VA has its perks and its downsides.... |
Eco-Thrifty Mom I'm determined to make the world better for my son (and his hypothetical siblings), and I'm determined to do it on a ...... |
Saturday, June 28, 2008 Can someone who gardens please help?! Okay, I am such a rookie, and pride always comes before the fall! Is this bacteria wilt?On my zucchini: On my green beans: On my pepper plant: On my squash plant: ... |
Alana Andrews Gray Create Your Badge www. flick r .com This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from agray231 . Make your own badge here . Green Moms Carnival Best of Mother Earth Big Green Purse Crunchy ... |
Eco-Thrifty Mom I'm determined to make the world better for my son (and his hypothetical siblings), and I'm determined to do it on a budget.... |
Eco-Thrifty Mom I'm determined to make the world better for my son (and his hypothetical siblings), and I'm determined to do it on a ...... |
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 My Garden is Growing....but not my worms Okay, so we've been out of town for 3 weeks, visiting the Shriner's Hospital for my son . While I was gone, look what sprouted! My pepper plant: My zucchini: A... |
Eco-Thrifty Mom I'm determined to make the world better for my son (and his hypothetical siblings), and I'm determined to do it on a budget.... |
... Prepare yourself for the randomness! *Darling Dexter for making this awesome coffee table . *Kathleen of Grosgrain for Embellish Your Knits Month . *Hemptress for ...... |
Eco-Thrifty Mom I'm determined to make the world better for my son (and his hypothetical siblings), and I'm determined to do it on a budget.... |
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