How to build a Scottish Blackhouse. Vernacular architecture evolves reflecting the characteristics of the local environment, climate, culture, natural materials, technology and the experience of centuries of commun... |
... natural home you would like to build is to spend some time living in one. Some of the homes here are independent self-catering, othe ... |
Natural homes up on the Roof: Using natural materials for your home. These homes all use different natural materials for their roof demonstrating the material's versatility, and in many cases longevity ... |
LIME STUCCO PLASTERING WHY USE LIME STUCCO INSTEAD OF CEMENT STUCCO? Lime sticks extremely well to the surface of the straw bales, and chicken wire is therefore not required as it is when using a cement stucco. Portland cement will not stic... |
Urban Squatters and Slums Homelessness Flashback to 1987, and an Eye to the Future in 2022 Hari Srinivas Concept Note Series E-153. November 2022. Part I: Flashback to 1987 Part I of this document was written in 1987 as a fold-out for an awaren... |
Colloquium: Introduction The Context: Natural Building The Building Codes Societal Impact Matrix Return of The Village Habitat For Humanity Earthmother Dwelling Intuitive Design Curves of Breath & Clay Feng Shui... |
The rammed earth Tulou of the Hakka people, China These are Tulou, built by the Hakka people of China. The Tulou are massive rectangular (representing Earth) or circular (representing Heaven) fortr... |
August 26, 2008 green ethics My sister sent me a very interesting question that I bet many people ask themselves. "What do you think I should do with all of my old baby bottles? Recycle? Donate? I hate to donate if they are... |
Eco-Thrifty Mom I'm determined to make the world better for my son (and his hypothetical siblings), and I'm determined to do it on a budget. I thought I'd share my experiences with the world in the hopes that other Moms want to do ... |
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