In my earlier years, I worked as a psychologist, teacher, and leader of outdoor excursions. I hiked, backpacked, and did some technical rock climbing. I was also someone who seemed to have to learn many things in life the hard way. I should have... |
"Paradise Journal" by Jim and Mindy Phypers The following account is based on excerpts from a journal kept by Jim and Mindy Phypers during an extraordinary journey to New Zealand in the early 1980's. Beginning as a two week honeymoon, th... |
The Opium Poppy and its Mineral Rich Seeds. The opium poppy is used for both its edible seeds and for medical opiate, including among others morphine and codeine. In Latin its name means "sleep-b... |
GOATS , and roofed with tin... We also built a simple hay manger by modifying a wooden pallet. Raven and Vern are very good friends! Every night Mindy walks Vern and Raven over to our greenhouse where we have made even safer quarters for them to sleep. Ghos... |
It was about 3:30 A.M. when a pitiful crying sound brought me out of a sound sleep. There was one very unhappy and lost kitty outside under my window. I took him right in. Snow white with powder blue eyes that would stop traffic anywhere. He was bea... |
Mission: Build Helping Habitats You might not realize that as our world population grows, the population of other species is threaten. When we ... |
Colloquium: Introduction The Context: Natural Building The Building Codes Societal Impact Matrix Return of The Village Habitat For Humanity Earthmother Dwelling Intuitive Design Curves of Breath & Clay Feng Shui... |
A jumbo straw bale guesthouse in Italy. This is the jumbo straw bale guesthouse at Richard and Yvonne's organic farm in Graun, Italy. The farm sits in the Langtaufers Valley 1,850m (6,0... |
HemLoft, a Secret Canadian Treehouse This treehouse was made using reclaimed materials, some of which came from Craigslist. Like all unique shelters this treehouse, by carpenter Joel Allen, was a la... |
Alana Andrews Gray Create Your Badge www. flick r .com This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from agray231 . Make your own badge here . Green Moms Carnival Best of Mother Earth Big Green Purse Crunchy ... |
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