home and garden', Tag

  • Scientists have created a mutant strain of corn that can signal when it’s under attack according to a new study. This feat has been achieved by augmenting natural defenses that are already present in the corn to emit a...
  • The much-heralded "Cash for Clunkers" or CARS program might be out of money just a week after its launch, but a similar program targeting old refrigerators is steadily growing...
  • The sad onslaught of recent Hollywood funerals for Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon and Billy Mays has made it hard not to think about end of life plans and the high environmental and monetary costs of conventional...
  • A new Rhode Island Hospital study has found a link between nitrates in our food and our environment and deaths from diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and diabetes...
  • Green Tips for July 4th Fri, 3 Jul 09, 12:50am
    Independence Day is just around the corner. It’s a great chance to get together with your loved ones and celebrate everything that makes America so great. This year, you can help make America extra great by throwing an...
  • A British company has announced plans to introduce a potentially revolutionary washing machine it’s been developing to the North American market. The machine has been in testing for three years and the company promises...
  • Composting Toilet Finally Approved Fri, 19 Jun 09, 12:46am
    It required nearly half a decade of production time and legal negotiations, but the Austin (Texas) Water Utility has finally given its approval to a green toilet that could revolutionize how we deal with human waste...
  • Father’s Day is fast approaching and I’m willing to bet you’re busted for decent dad’s day gift ideas, never mind eco-friendly gift ideas. Fear not – we’ve put together a sweet list of Father’s Day gifts that...
  • Ever wonder why your dryer sheets have such aromatic names as "Ocean Breeze," "Summer Orchard," and "Spring Garden"? It's not just a marketing ploy -- it's a necessity...
  • Data compiled in recent studies suggests that the United States could reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by sources of lighting by 50 percent, simply by swapping traditional bulb-powered lights for LEDs...
  • Obama’s Nobel prize-winning green guru and US Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu claims that painting your roof white can help reduce global warming significantly. Speaking yesterday from London prior to a conference on...
  • If you haven’t heard about Copenhagen 2009, listen up. In December of this year, global minds will meet in Copenhagen to make an action plan to address climate change for when the Kyoto protocol expires in 2012. The conference...
  • Water authorities in San Diego approved a $320 million desalination plant this week, a test move that optimists hope will put an end to the fragility of California’s drinking water infrastructure without causing imbalances...
  • The UNEP's (United Nations Environmental Programme) World Environment Day is just around the corner on June 5 - after recent enviro days like Earth Week, Earth Day and Bike Week, what's World Environment Day (WED) all about?...
  • It's official. The United States government has finally put its money where its mouth is by backing organic farming. $50 million in federal funding has been set aside to teach sustainable farming skills like natural nutrient...
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