Plant diversity Animal diversity Endemic, relict... The origins of cultivated crops The favorable geographical location in subtropical, arid and continental zone of Northern Hemis... |
Parting the Water at Halsteren's Fortress in the Netherlands Usually a bridge crossing water would take a route above the waterline, but not in this case. This entirely wooden bridge in Halsteren, N... |
Colloquium: Introduction The Context: Natural Building The Building Codes Societal Impact Matrix Return of The Village Habitat For Humanity Earthmother Dwelling Intuitive Design Curves of Breath & Clay Feng Shui... |
Colloquium: Introduction The Context: Natural Building The Building Codes Societal Impact Matrix Return of The Village Habitat For Humanity Earthmother Dwelling Intuitive Design Curves of Breath & Clay Feng Shui... |
Heidi's Natural Home in Southern Finland. This is Heidi 's cottage, 'Elaman Puu', which means Tree of Life. It's built with a variety of natural building techniques with a rubble trench, earthbag stem... |
A death sentence because the, " benefits of the development did not outweigh the harm to the character and appearance of the countryside ". Read the history of the straw bale house at the bottom of this arti... |
Colloquium: Introduction The Context: Natural Building The Building Codes Societal Impact Matrix Return of The Village Habitat For Humanity Earthmother Dwelling Intuitive Design Curves of Breath & Clay Feng Shui... |
May 15, 2008 clothesline challenge I must tell you about a fantastic challenge that I've signed up for over at Gift of Green. She is hosting a Clothesline Challenge , which is great because I need the motivation to help me s... |
Colloquium: Introduction The Context: Natural Building The Building Codes Societal Impact Matrix Return of The Village Habitat For Humanity Earthmother Dwelling Intuitive Design Curves of Breath & Clay Feng Shui... |
How to make rye sourdough (or wild yeast) bread. Making sourdough bread is easy. People have been making it for thousands of years without bread machines or visiting a supermarket for a packet of yea... |
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