The depth of the corruption in academia today is truly profound. Perhaps, some amount of it can be reversed. Maybe even a lot of it.
The most telling aspect of this whole saga is that Musk’s X has, by default, become more neutral simply because those who previously monopolized the conversation have departed.
Youtube link By Jo Nova
Image by Donna Kirby from Pixabay By Jo Nova University degrees aren’t what they used to be After years of universities turning out smug self-obsessed graduates of Woke ideology, Big Business has realized they might...
By Jo Nova A new paper tries to clean up the chicken entrail decrees of Mark Lynas (and earlier of John Cook) and concludes that their methodology is so bad, a 99.85% consensus could just as easily have been 32%.
The Guardian via Climate Depot By Jo Nova Lets meld climate and health into one giant government quasi religion. What could possibly go wrong? The medical industry leapt into politics and medical witchcraft on Saturday, calling...
Photo by Toby Elliott on Unsplash By Jo Nova We need to know: Can We Stop Volcano’s with Solar Panels? Quick set up a summit. Give me a grant. Climate Change causes more rain (except when it causes more drought), and...
By Jo Nova Apparently some New Zealand officials are toying with a whole new science curriculum which sounds like a return to the stone age. All the hard stuff about electromagnetism, elements, mass, motion, and molecular...
By Jo Nova Peer Review has been a sixty year experiment with no control group It’s touted as the “gold standard” of science, yet the evidence shows Peer Review is an abject failure.
By Jo Nova Peer Review has been a sixty year experiment with no control group It’s touted as the “gold standard” of science, yet the evidence shows Peer Review is an abject failure.
By Jo Nova When the formerly esteemed journal Nature endorsed one side of politics in 2020, apparently it didn’t change any votes, but about a third of Trump supporters decided the science it published was politically...
By Jo Nova Imagine if the national postal service had secret blacklists of people whose mail “should be lost”? What if the FBI, CIA, or Department of Defence was talking to the postie, and the postie read your...
Easy Money Begats Easy Billionaires, who build Easy Foundations, which are easily captured. And before you know it, the apolitical becomes political, and the political becomes a lobbying machine. Big Money becomes Huge Money...
Nature and Elsevier are agog and aghast that hundreds of junk papers filled with random word salad have been published in their esteemed journals.
The new Climate Consensus is just a junk keyword survey.
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