When you have an emergency, the time it takes for help to arrive can be the difference between life and death. An ambulance takes an average of 10 minutes to get to the scene of an accident - too late to be of help in some...
When you have an emergency, the time it takes for help to arrive can be the difference between life and death. An ambulance takes an average of 10 minutes to get to the scene of an accident - too late to be of help in some...
Image via Gizmag Hirobo is known primarily for toy RC helicopters - however the Japanese company is now using its advanced engineering expertise for nobler applications...
Read the rest of Scrapped Ambulance Transformed into Inspiring Playground for Disabled Children in Malawi Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: ambulance, Balantyre, BEIT Cure Hospital, green design,...
Read the rest of Scrapped Ambulance Transformed into an Inspiring Playground for Disabled Malawian Children Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: ambulance, Balantyre, BEIT Cure Hospital, green design,...
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