Netflix's wildly popular "Tiger King" documentary series has been progressively sweeping the nation since it first aired on March 20. As an outrageous, binge-worthy drama released when self-isolation and uncertainty were...
Record-breaking bushfires are raging along the eastern and southeastern coast of Australia, burning through prime marsupial habitat and claiming the lives of hundreds of koalas, an already vulnerable species...
The California wildfires are raging on, but humans aren’t the only ones in danger. Thousands of pets and farm animals have received attention in Northern and Southern California while over 400 square miles continue to burn....
A tiny seahorse named Frito received a second chance at life after being trapped in fishing line. Florida resident Dawn McCartney said she and her two daughters were snorkeling when they found a rope and plastic trash in...
Of all the destructive impacts of a hurricane, with its life-threatening storm surges and massive flooding, the sudden lack of aquatic habitat is not a typical concern...
Unless you've been living under a Geodude, you've probably seen, heard, or read something about Pokémon Go. But did you know some gamers are actually rescuing real animals as they play? Whilst on a hunt for Dratini, Olivia...
Add this case to the list of selfish and oblivious tourists terrorizing an animal for their own entertainment. This week, a poor sea turtle was dragged onto a beach in Lebanon by people seeking a photo op, joining the ranks...
After 12 years living in a circus cage and enduring terrible abuses, Hoover the tiger is finally free. He was rescued from a circus in Peru last April, where he had been enslaved his entire life. Circus trainers whipped and...
A Papua New Guinea man's photos have gone viral after he shared the heartwarming story of his efforts to rescue sea turtles being sold for their meat. Arron Culling wrote on Facebook that he and a co-worker found two turtles...
London's very first cat cafe, Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium opened its doors over the weekend. Located in Shoredich, just off Brick Lane, this unique teashop offers the prrrfect space for playing with feline friends over a...
Europe's very first cat cafe, Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium opened its doors in London over the weekend. Located in Shoredich, just off Brick Lane, this unique teashop offers the prrrfect space for playing with feline friends...
An abandoned mutt that was found starving in a garbage dump in India has become the first dog to climb to Everest’s Base Camp with his globe-trotting owner...
An abandoned mutt that was found starving in a garbage dump in India has become the first dog to climb to Everest’s Base Camp with his globe-trotting owner...
A 25-year-old loggerhead turtle that lost her fins to a shark attack received a new pair of prosthetic limbs on Tuesday. Scientists at the Suma Aqualife Park in Kobe, Japan, designed the new limbs using the latest developments...
Designed by Farr Associates and dbHMS, Harmony House for Cats‘ brand new shelter is Chicago’s first net-zero commercial building, and is pursuing LEED-NC Platinum certification...
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