This type of reporting is not about science; it’s about pushing a climate crisis narrative. Instead of examining long-term historical data and other factors, the media selectively highlights flawed short-term studies and...
In fact, we found that 89 percent of the stations—nearly 9 of every 10—fail to meet the National Weather Service’s own siting requirements …
This is just another shameful episode of the media regurgitating irresponsible climate alarm claims without bothering to check the facts.
On episode 103 of The Climate Realism Show, we welcome Tom Nelson, producer of the new film "Climate: The Movie." The film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It emphatically counters...
Heartland Institution senior fellow Anthony Watts breaks down the science behind the Canadian wildfires on 'The Ingraham Angle.'
I’m convinced that there is spurious warming remaining in the GHCN-based temperature data. The only question is, how much?
As expected, the corporate media latched onto Hurricane Ian to advance the false narrative of anthropogenic, catastrophic climate change.
Why do so many believe global warming is a hoax? To find the answer, we tell the story of the biggest science heist in history.
[Editor Note: It was during the Thanksgiving weekend 11 years ago that the Climategate’s unsettling oeuvre was first being disseminated and analyzed...
Although he’s been running this blog as a labor of love for more than ten years, Anthony has never had more than a week or so off to relax and recharge...
The world's first climate cartoon selfie: includes Anthony Watts, Nic Lewis, Andrew Montford, David & Kate Holland, Caroline K, Richard Drake, Katabasis, James Delingpole, Leo Hickman, Richard Betts, Barry Woods, Michel Opdebeeck,...
American Thinker has a piece today, on how a recent preposterous global warming report on the PBS NewsHour hints they’re overplaying their biased coverage of the issue...
Andrew Montford at Bishop Hill writes: The Guardian has thrown all my preconceptions into disarray by printing an article about sceptics that is not only thoughtful, but is polite too! Sceptics such as Andrew Montford and...
I’ve come to think of Richard Betts as “Dr. No” mainly because he seems to say no to any possibility that the Met Office might not be giving out accurate forecasts to the public. I’ve had a few Twitter...
False accusation that Watts “doctored” sea ice graph Erric Worrall writes: An Australian alarmist blog, Watching The Deniers, has just accused Anthony Watts of photoshopping one of the Sea Ice Graphs...
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