In Brookings, South Dakota, a group of South Dakota State University architecture students designed and completed the Passive House 01, a home certified under the high-performance Passive House (PHIUS) standard...
In an effort to fight urban sprawl and accommodate the growing population in Lawrence, Kansas, nonprofit Studio 804 has created a subdivision for two sustainable homes to show how urban density can be achieved in established...
Every year, graduate students at the University of Kansas Department of Architecture enroll in the nonprofit Studio 804 program to design and build a sustainable, affordable and innovative home over the course of the year...
Traditional materials and futuristic technologies have come together in the Wander Wood Pavilion, a large-scale robotically fabricated structure completed by students at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver...
Wish you could expand the size of your home without breaking the bank? A group of architecture students from the University of California, Berkeley and University of Denver created RISE, an affordable and sustainable housing...
The cabins were designed for Colorado Outward Bound School in Leadville, one of 40 schools in the world run by Outward Bound. The cabins have a certain rustic charm, and blend into their surroundings unobtrusively. Each cabin...
Other approaches to 3D-printed architecture typically involve a stationary platform on which the designs are constructed, but this handheld pen changes the game...
Huerta del Valle is a successful community garden that already feeds 62 low-income families and sustains itself by selling produce to local restaurants and at markets. In the next two years the garden will need to accommodate...
Most college students see contemporary sculpture as puzzling landmarks--useful only as visual markers and not to be touched. Rice University's recently installed Soundworm! sculpture, however, rejects that stereotype. Made...
Cellular Tessellation was built by Bond Architecture staff and students, who had to fit together 1,200 laser-cut pieces and 3,000 bolts and plywood spacers...
The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture housed in Wright’s Taliesin West has suspended new student enrollments for this fall, as it might be facing the loss of its accreditation...
The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture housed in Wright’s Taliesin West has suspended new student enrollments for this fall as it might be facing loss of accreditation...
Read the rest of Burton Street Peace Garden’s Learning Pavilion Was Built From Recycled Materials for $3,900 Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: architecture students, asheville, asheville design...
Read the rest of Off-Grid Rammed Earth House On Navajo Nation Catches The Wind Permalink...
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