If Trump’s re-election is getting you down, these innovations in medicine and technology should cheer you up
By Jo Nova Betelgeuse is the red giant at the top of Orion. Image by yoshitaka2 from Pixabay
By Jo Nova Betelgeuse is the red giant at the top of Orion. Image by yoshitaka2 from Pixabay
Thousands of people watched in awe as a rare solar eclipse plunged the Western Australian town of Exmouth into darkness in the middle of the day.
Solar eclipse attracts people from across the globe to town of Exmouth on Western Australia’s North West Cape, keen to catch a glimpse of the rare sight.
By Jo Nova Well that was lucky. Early reports suggest the Chinese space junk from the launch four days ago has crashed in the Pacific 1,000 km short of Mexico. However, if I am reading those maps (below) correctly, on this...
A simple image comparison. Original Hi-Res version. http://www.nicholaseggleston.com/JamesWebbHubble/index_full.htm HT/Roy Spencer
Another intriguing possibility, however, is that 55 Cancri e is not tidally locked. Instead, it may be like Mercury, rotating three times for every two orbits (what’s known as a 3:2 resonance). As a result, the planet would...
Astronomers are using these observations to learn more about how the black hole in the center of the Milky Way galaxy — known as Sagittarius A * (Sgr A* for short) — interacts with, and feeds off, its environment some...
From NASA Astronomers have identified a rapidly growing black hole in the early universe that is considered a crucial “missing link” between young star-forming galaxies and the first supermassive black…
There are still more challenges that the team will have to face before MIRI can start its scientific mission. Now that the instrument is at operating temperature, team members will take test images of stars and other known...
Studying extreme weather gives astronomers better insights into the diversity, complexity, and exotic chemistry taking place in far-flung worlds across our galaxy.
This discovery supports a long-debated theory for how planets like Jupiter form, called "disk instability."
Proxima Centauri, our closest known stellar neighbour, is packed full of interesting planets. My question - when are we going to send a probe to take a look?
Planetary bodies observed for first time in habitable zone of dead star
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