In the mountains of the southeastern Spanish town of Jumilla sits “La Casa del Ángel,” a small shelter where outdoor enthusiasts have long sought shelter...
Each summer Vancouver works to create vibrant pedestrian spaces to help people make the best of the good weather and sunshine. The VIVA Vancouver program supports parklets, hosts concerts and events and also closes down the...
Designer Itay Kirshenbaum has a created a 4 in 1 chair that can be turned into four different seats with a simple flip. Kirshenbaum developed his chair during his industrial design studies at Hadassah College in Israel,...
Wouldn’t it be great if you could charge your gadgets while waiting for the bus or relaxing on a bench? Magdalena Czapiewska, Karol Murlak and Zuzanna Lemieszek of Design lab, have taken this thought and turned it...
Rather than using wood to make a chair, Andries Vanvinckenroye used two trees – and he didn’t even need to chop them down. The designer investigated how to use a living tree in its entirety to create seating without...
This modern bench/lounger was created by San Diego-based Crawford Creative Studio using sustainable, up-cycled materials. Unable to find any pre-made outdoor furniture to fit their small urban patio space, the designers chose...
Read the rest of Super Long Seaside Bench Made From Reclaimed Wood
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