In their latest installment of Literature vs Traffic, Spanish design collective luzinterruptus transformed a major street in Ann Arbor, Michigan, into a glowing river of 11,000 books...
Norwegian artist Rune Guneriussen uses everyday objects to create extraordinary art installations in remote and rural locations. The artist's magical works illuminate old books, chairs, and lampshades in settings ranging...
Argentine artist Marta Minujín has created a life-sized replica of the Parthenon using 100,000 banned books from around the world. The massive book art installation is a replica of the famous Greek temple where democracy...
Laramée, who has an extensive background in the arts, is best known for his topographical literary sculptures that take anywhere between days to months to complete...
It may seem that physical books are going out of style, but this interactive art installation proves otherwise. Lacuna is a pop-up library whose very walls are constructed with 50,000 books. The organizers of the new Bay...
It may seem that physical books are going out of style, but this interactive art installation proves otherwise. Lacuna is a pop-up library whose very walls are constructed with 50,000 books. The organizers of the new Bay...
It may seem that physical books are going out of style, but this interactive art installation proves otherwise. Lacuna is a pop-up library whose very walls are constructed with 50,000 books. The organizers of the new Bay...
Guy has been creating these remarkable carved books for several years, and the Guan Yin series is dedicated to the forces that enable people to deal with traumatic situations, grief, and pain. Laramee reflected on such...
Using similar techniques applied to previous sculptures, such as The Great Wall and Guan Yin, the artist created an entire mountain range inspired by his travels to South America...
Keri Muller's artworks and installations stand out for their beautiful forms, and the fact that they've been made from books and other debris salvaged from the recycling pile...
Books are a popular artistic material in the creative world, and here at Inhabitat we’ve shared a variety of inspiring book-based works of art, including a waterfall, a tower, and a house...
Read the rest of 10,000 Glowing Books Spill Into Streets of Melbourne in Luzinterruptus’ LED Installation Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: book art, book installation, eco design, eco-art,...
Read the rest of Gigantic aMAZEme Book Maze in London Will Be Made from 250,000 Books! Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: aMAZEme, book art, book labyrinth, book maze, Book Sculpture, Gualter Pupo,...
Read the rest of Jonathan Callan’s Mesmerizing Organic Book Sculptures Are Swirling Masses of Color Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: book art, book sculptures, green artwork, jonathan callan,...
Read the rest of Gary Taxali Recycles Used Book Covers Into Cool Art Emblazoned with His Signature Retro Drawings Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: book art, eco design, Gary Taxali, green design,...
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