There was some publicity this week on a paper by Young et al (Science Advances, 2015), which, according to Gifford Miller , whose work has been frequently discussed at CA (see tag), had supposedly put the “coup de...
In today’s post, I’ll return to more typical Climate Audit programming. Upside-down Mann’s mentor, Raymond Bradley, has somewhat surprisingly published an article (Balascio et al 2015) that supports a...
Since AR4, there have been a series of new multiproxy studies, several of which were cited in AR5 (Mann et al 2008; Ljungqvist et al 2010; Christiansen and Ljungqvist 2012; Shi et al 2013)...
In an interview with the Boston Globe, Raymond Bradley said that the hockey stick is built like an “outhouse”. Bradley told the reporter that he’d built his outhouse out of brick – fancying himself,...
Here is an excerpt from a troubling Climategate email that hasn’t been discussed much (if at all) – from Raymond Bradley to Frank Oldfield of PAGES (172...
Here is a longer excerpt from the July 19, 2000 Raymond Bradley Climategate email posted earlier today: [......At this point Keith Alverson throws up his hands in despair at the ignorance of non-model amateurs...] But there...
At Lucia’s, Steve Mosher asks: did bradley make the charges to further a different goal? As indicated in the email sent by Bradley to a third party shown below, Bradley’s actual objective in filing the complaint...
In my previous post on Fritts and Bradley, I observed that Bradley’s so-called ”seminal” textbook had copied 12 of the first 13 figures in its dendro chapter from Fritts 1976, together with verbatim or near-verbatim...
In the original Deep Climate post about Wegman, DC characterized Bradley 1999, a revision of the 1985 edition of Bradley’s textbook, as “seminal”...
Anthony has an instructive post on how he handled a plagiarism incident involving NOAA. Anthony writes: Readers may recall this post: More dirty pool by NCDC’s Karl, Menne, and Peterson …where I take NCDC to task for...
As readers know, Raymond Bradley’s allegation that “text was just lifted verbatim from my book and placed in the Wegman Report” has been widely publicized following Bradley’s interview with USA today...
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