DW uncovered that dozens of Chinese climate projects, certified by the German authorities as carbon credits under the upstream emission reduction scheme, failed to deliver on promises to save millions of tons of carbon emissions...
Carbon Credits Are Modern Indulgences. Guest post by Dr. Tim Ball Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1342 – 1400) is among the giants of English literature, recognized for his perceptive and realistic stories about human nature....
Global Carbon Market Hits $176 Billion in 2011 By Jo Nova Global Carbon Market trading climbed to $176 billion in 2011 according to the The World Bank, which has just released it’s annual State and Trends of The Carbon...
Corruption and crime already taking place in the carbon market Opinion piece by Julie Bishop, Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Australia) 20th July 2011 Carbon offsets have already run out of credit “…..It is alarming...
I wonder how long before flatlining occurs, like last year with the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX): Even the Guardian is covering this “failure” of carbon markets...
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