After a devastating blaze consumed the Cathedral of Notre Dame’s wooden roof and iconic central spire, architects around the world have been putting forth their visionary ideas for rebuilding the Parisian landmark...
In celebration of Ghana’s 61st year of independence, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo revealed designs for a National Cathedral of Ghana to be built in Accra...
First of all, unlike most European capitals, Reykjavik doesn't have a cathedral or large church dating back from the Medieval or Renaissance eras. This is mainly because the city only emerged as major metropolis a few hundred...
The Grand Council of Moselle in eastern France, is launching its very first performing arts festival this week, and Les Etablissements Tourneux architect firm was commissioned to create a few pieces for the celebration...
A marginalized minority of Coptic Christians in a Muslim-majority country, the Zabbaleen were forcibly relocated to the outskirts of Cairo by the government in 1969...
A marginalized minority of Coptic Christians in a Muslim-majority country, the Zabbaleen were forcibly relocated to the outskirts of Cairo by the government in 1969...
Ferran Vizoso designed the renovation of this 1,050 square meter church for the Corbera d’Ebre municipality and the government institution Generalitat de Catalunya...
Read the rest of 7 Amazing Green Bookstores and Libraries from Around the World Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: adaptive reuse, amazing bookstores, amazing libraries, ateneo, ateneo bookstore, awesome...
An old Dominican church originally constructed in 1294 is now a “brand new” bookstore in the heart of Maastricht.
Whether you’re religious or not, this old Dominican church will certainly bring you the enlightenment you’ve been seeking. After months of renovation this magnificent structure originally constructed in 1294 has opened...
- Popular Related Tags: architecture, cathedral, gallery, green renovation, carousel showcase, adaptive reuse, selexyz domincan church maastricht, sustainable design, green building, church
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