An inane study that tries to link tree rings and severe weather, while ignoring warning fatigue. but hey, it's PEER REVIEWED!
One north-east Victorian town is battling a renewable energy project while its neighbour has plans to go totally green, fuelling policy division ahead of the election.
Once, governments stumbled over themselves to shower money on rooftop solar owners. No longer — payments have tanked up to 99.93 per cent for exports.
Once, governments stumbled over themselves to shower money on rooftop solar owners. No longer — payments have tanked up to 99.93 per cent for exports.
The green energy group, Breakthrough Energy, has laid off multiple workers and is also planning to eliminate its U.S. policy side, an anonymous source told Politico’s E&E News. Another anonymous source told the...
Administrator Zeldin Announces 31 Historic Actions to Power the Great American Comeback (see video below) WASHINGTON – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin announced the agency will undertake...
Australian businesses in the clean energy sector are being urged to shake up their recruitment processes as a report finds a diverse workforce is needed to fill employment gaps.
There is no conclusive evidence that greenhouse gas emissions triggered the deadly blazes. For instance, variations in air temperature and precipitation from the average are minimal in relation to the burn area. Fires can...
Bottom Line: A very skillfully predicted Santa Ana event with record-breaking winds hit LA earlier this month. Two wet winters resulted in unusually high levels of dried fuels. Human ignitions initiated the fires.
You just have to laugh when they get upset over the propaganda just not working anymore. Of course, most anything on CNN is funny these days.
Satellite imagery reveals the staggering rise of solar farms around the world in recent years. Can Australia get on board?
In the 1920s, such events caused approximately 485,000 deaths annually. By 2020, this number had plummeted to around 7,790 deaths per year, marking a reduction of over 98 percent.
Lots of ignorant bigots believe climate change is a hoax. We've compiled this list of twelve compelling reasons climate change is quite obviously real - and it's going to kill us all.
Plans lodged with WA's Environmental Protection Authority this month will bring wild transformation to an ancient desert landscape. Experts, who note the proposed scale is "incredible", say the idea has a lot going for it.
A thorough analysis of regional climate data and agricultural outcomes in Georgia reveals that there is no evidence climate change is altering weather patterns in Georgia for the worse or harming the state’s agriculture...
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