climate hulme, Tag

  • BBC range free - Josh 282 Sun, 6 Jul 14, 3:08am
    Another BBC meeting, same old story. Cartoons by Josh
  • Diary dates: sceptic edition Tue, 14 Jan 14, 11:58pm
    Some interesting lectures upcoming at the University of Nottingham. I hope they stream these or otherwise make them more publicly available:
  • Hulme on the IPCC Mon, 30 Sep 13, 5:44pm
    Mike Hulme has done a podcast on the Fifth Assessment Report, which is published at the website of his new employer, King's College London and is embedded below...
  • Hulme slams 97% paper Thu, 25 Jul 13, 6:30pm
    The prominent climatologist Mike Hulme has slammed the Cook et al 97% "nonsensus" paper in a comment at the Nottingham University Making Science Public blog.
  • Steps videos Thu, 28 Feb 13, 1:23am
    A week or so back, prominent sci-policy wonks spoke at a symposium run by the University of Sussex's STEPS centre. Videos have now been posted here. They including Pielke Jr on the science-policy interface. Mike Hulme on...
  • Hulme's new climate course Thu, 29 Mar 12, 9:26pm
    Times Higher Education reports on Mike Hulme's latest idea - a course combining environmental studies and the humanities:
  • A letter from the future Thu, 5 Jan 12, 1:54am
    This was provided to me by Phillip Bratby. Letter from Bob Ward Junior (chief scientific advisor to the Department for Climate Change and Energy (DCCE)) to the Secretary of State for Climate Change and Energy, Ed Miliband...
  • Email 2099 is from Helen Wallace, a senior "scientist" at Greenpeace to Mike Hulme.
  • Hulme on Nurse Wed, 26 Jan 11, 10:00am
    Mike Hulme has published some thoughts on the Horizon programme, little of which will be disputed by sceptics. Here's a snippet:
  • Climategate as a reality check Sat, 18 Dec 10, 7:10pm
    An interesting interview with Mike Hulme, looking at the changes in climate science and climate policy. (Look for episode 101205 from 5 December 2010).
  • Hulme on Climategate anniversary Tue, 16 Nov 10, 10:21pm
    Mike Hulme is in the Guardian today, looking at the impact of Climategate, one year on. I'm not sure why everyone is doing their anniversary pieces today - isn't the anniversary tomorrow (or even Thursday)?
  • Shade on Hulme Sat, 23 Oct 10, 7:42pm
    John Shade, who runs the Climate Lessons website left these thoughts on Mike Hulme's lecture as a comment. I thought they were worth pulling into a post of their own.
  • Mike Hulme on climate models Fri, 22 Oct 10, 5:51pm
    There is video available here of a lecture given by Professor Mike Hulme entitled "How do Climate Models Gain and Exercise Authority?". Hulme asks whether deference towards climate models is justified and whether we should...
  • Popular Related Tags: climate hulme, climate models, climate cru, bbc, climate ipcc, climate sceptics, climate other, climate hsi, climate ward, josh
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