Even failure to achieve targets would be useful, by highlighting real-world limitations in net-zero policy assumptions, which could then inform wider societal strategy.
Meat for me, but not for thee!
The alarmed climate elites’ hypocritical “do as I say, not as I do; hair shirts and gruel for thee, but not for me” attitudes were on full display at the U.N. climate conference, COP-26 for short, held in Glasgow,...
Cristo clashes with Extinction Rebellion co-founder Gail Bradbrook after the latest climate protests, calling her a "hypocrite" as she admits driving a diesel car and flew 11,000 miles for a holiday.
Actor Harrison Ford, who has spent the last few years dissing the USA and praising Greta Thunberg, just upheld his credentials as a total climate hypocrite by dropping his son off to school by private jet.
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