GWPF have announced that Ross McKitrick is to take over from David Henderson as chairman of the GWPF Academic Advisory Council.
Brandon Shollenberger has a lovely post up looking at some recent comments by Skeptical Science insider Tom Curtis and Anders Thingummydoodle from the "And Then There's Physics" blog...
I thought the National Review article, posted here of course, was worth a cartoon. H/t Rick Cina in the comments for the peer-reviewed critiques of Mann's hockey sticks.
Ross McKitrick has a new paper in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, examining reasons for the eradication of malaria in some countries but not in others...
Ross McKitrick has a must-read article in the Financial Post, looking at climate models and their environmentalist-like divergence from reality:
Ross McKitrick has responded (in considerable detail) to some of the criticisms of his T3 tax proposal in a paper posted at his website.
Here are my cartoon notes of a paper presented today by Prof Ross McKitrick, hosted by The GWPF in one of the committee rooms in the House of Lords, Westminster, London, UK...
The Global Warming Policy Foundation has issued a paper in which Ross McKitrick sets out his idea of a carbon tax calibrated to temperatures in the tropical troposphere...
With timing that can either be seen as perfect or perfectly awful, Ross McKitrick has published a report on the IPCC under the auspices of the GWPF.
Twitter users may be interested in two new members of the Twitterati:
This is a week or so old now, but this Mother Jones article looks at a new paper which reports the effect of livestock on tree rings. The study is focused on birch, so it's not directly relevant to the paleo studies, but...
Some of you may remember Deutche Bank's amusing attempt to address "major sceptic arguments". I posted something on this back at the start of September.
This was posted in the comments on WUWT. I'm not sure if it's recent or not, but it hasn't been on YouTube for long. I've never seen it before.
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