climate mckitrick, Tag

  • Ross McKitrick succeeds Henderson Tue, 16 Dec 14, 12:44am
    GWPF have announced that Ross McKitrick is to take over from David Henderson as chairman of the GWPF Academic Advisory Council.
  • Thingummydoodle noodle Thu, 7 Aug 14, 2:29am
    Brandon Shollenberger has a lovely post up looking at some recent comments by Skeptical Science insider Tom Curtis and Anders Thingummydoodle from the "And Then There's Physics" blog...
  • Ye olde techniques - Josh 273 Wed, 30 Apr 14, 8:16pm
      I thought the National Review article, posted here of course, was worth a cartoon. H/t Rick Cina in the comments for the peer-reviewed critiques of Mann's hockey sticks.
  • Ague peak Fri, 8 Nov 13, 3:00am
    Ross McKitrick has a new paper in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, examining reasons for the eradication of malaria in some countries but not in others...
  • McKitrick explains the models Tue, 17 Sep 13, 10:34pm
    Ross McKitrick has a must-read article in the Financial Post, looking at climate models and their environmentalist-like divergence from reality:
  • Ross responds Fri, 5 Jul 13, 6:21pm
    Ross McKitrick has responded (in considerable detail) to some of the criticisms of his T3 tax proposal in a paper posted at his website.
  • Here are my cartoon notes of a paper presented today by Prof Ross McKitrick, hosted by The GWPF in one of the committee rooms in the House of Lords, Westminster, London, UK...
  • The T3 tax redux Wed, 3 Jul 13, 9:30pm
    The Global Warming Policy Foundation has issued a paper in which Ross McKitrick sets out his idea of a carbon tax calibrated to temperatures in the tropical troposphere...
  • Fix it or fold it Wed, 23 Nov 11, 5:40pm
    With timing that can either be seen as perfect or perfectly awful, Ross McKitrick has published a report on the IPCC under the auspices of the GWPF.
  • Two new tweeps Thu, 6 Oct 11, 12:00am
    Twitter users may be interested in two new members of the Twitterati:
  • Another confounding factor? Fri, 12 Aug 11, 5:00pm
    This is a week or so old now, but this Mother Jones article looks at a new paper which reports the effect of livestock on tree rings. The study is focused on birch, so it's not directly relevant to the paleo studies, but...
  • Speechless Wed, 10 Nov 10, 6:07am
    Some of you may remember Deutche Bank's amusing attempt to address "major sceptic arguments". I posted something on this back at the start of September.
  • McKitrick on the Hockey Stick Sat, 23 Oct 10, 7:33pm
    This was posted in the comments on WUWT. I'm not sure if it's recent or not, but it hasn't been on YouTube for long. I've never seen it before.
  • Popular Related Tags: climate mckitrick, climate mwp, climate mann, economics, climate mcintyre, gwpf, josh, tax, climate cru, climate models
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