"Deep Adaption" appears to be a group of climate doomsday depressives whose message is too much even for other believers.
Guest “Why bust Malthusian Myths? Because it’s fun and easy!” by David Middleton You know the story… In just a few centuries, the people of Easter Island wiped out their…
According to Well + Good, an additional half a degree warming is already "baked in", and is leading to disease, floods, storms, parabolic frogs, and anything else bad you can think of.
Guest post by David Middleton A Geological Perspective on the “Irreversible Collapse” of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet It’s “old” news, as this publication from 1999 shows us...
"A successful Euro is massively in Britain's interests" Chancellor George Osborne said today. He could equally well have said: "A cute puppy and/or crazy calendar kitten-in-a-basket for every working family is massively in...
This is a guest post by Charles Eisenstein, an author and faculty member at Goddard College in Vermont.
Its been a rather depressing day…here is a bit of a realistic, but optimistic news.
Today’s exhibit about Spain’s economic miracle — you could call it a sector-specific collapse — comes from Bloomberg, a heartbreaking tale of the gravy inevitably running out...
This is a presentation by Dr. David Korowicz from Feasta, given at the Oil Drum/ASPO Conference at Alcatraz, Italy in June 2009. It can be downloaded here: Things fall apart: Some thoughts on complexity, supply chains, infrastructure...
Recently, a 55 page paper called Tipping Point: Near-Term Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production (PDF warning) was published as the joint effort of two organizations: Feasta and The Risk/Resilience Network, with...
Recently, a 55 page paper called Tipping Point: Near-Term Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production (PDF warning) was published as the joint effort of two organizations: Feasta and The Risk/Resilience Network, with...
This is a guest post from Ralph Faggotter (also known as fingolfin).
This is a guest post from Ralph Faggotter (also known as fingolfin).
This is a guest post by George Mobus, who is an Associate Professor of Computing and Software Systems at the University of Washington Tacoma.
This is a presentation by Dr. David Korowicz from Feasta, given at the Oil Drum/ASPO Conference at Alcatraz, Italy in June 2009. It can be downloaded here: Things fall apart: Some thoughts on complexity, supply chains, infrastructure...
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