A stellar example of adaptive reuse is being used to house and teach students at the University of Tasmania School of Architecture & Design. Formerly a 1951 diesel locomotive workshop, this award-winning conversion project...
Yacht construction and house building fabulously come together in this conversion project that turned a 1957 cargo ship into a modern floating home in Amsterdam...
The Attendant serves not only coffee, but has breakfast and lunch menus, serving food seven days a week. It provides protection from the elements to passersby and offers a place to sit in the outside area. The original ironwork...
The Attendant serves not only coffee, but has breakfast and lunch menus, serving food seven days a week. It provides protection from the elements to passersby and offers a place to sit in the outside area. The original ironwork...
After winning the 1946 Grand National, Lovely Cottage came home to enjoy a well-deserved rest in his stables on the outskirts of Winchester. Despite the dilapidation, the long, one-story block building was listed as a Grade...
Read the rest of MVRDV Converts Twin Silos into Gemini Residences on Copenhagen’s Waterfront Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture", adaptive reuse, conversion, copenhagen,...
Read the rest of MVRDV Converts Twin Silos into the Gemini Residences Located on Copenhagen’s Waterfront Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture", adaptive reuse, conversion,...
Read the rest of ANTONAS Wants to Convert Ordinary Buses Into Roaming Hostels Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: A N T O N A S, adaptive reuse, antonas, bus hotel, conversion, double-decker bus, eco...
Read the rest of Beautiful Barn Renovation Literally Turns an Old Farmhouse Inside Outhttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed...
We love seeing eco-upgrades that increase the efficiency of existing vehicles, but a select few are taking their customization to a whole other level. These cars and trucks may have slick paint jobs and fancy rims, but they...
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