A hunger strike ends in violence when police fired rubber bullets, tear gas, and water canons at a protest by garment factory workers in Bangladesh this past week...
For every inspiring human being making the world of fashion better, there’s an equally heinous individual (or worse, an organized group of them) really stinking up the industry with their unethical, deplorable and oftentimes...
If you thought there wasn’t already enough to get riled up over when it came to Walmart, here comes news that this big-box retailer will soon be employing “smart” tags to manage their inventory...
Think that avoiding cheap, throwaway clothes and sticking with brand names means that your wardrobe is safe from dangerous toxins? Think again. Chinese inspectors randomly sampling department stores and boutiques in the southeast...
Photo by span112
As if H&M wasn’t already having a hell of a time trying to do some ’splaining after their clothing-trashing fiasco, now they’re catching even more heat...
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