...it might behoove the AP to do some simple fact checking (it takes just a few minutes through the magic of the internet), looking at existing hard data on trends before promoting economic analyses from organizations without...
Our fixation with Gross Domestic Product for over half a century as the primary indicator of economic health has rendered nature "invisible" from national finances, intensifying the biosphere's destruction by omitting its...
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Lots of folks claim that the worst possible thing we could do is to allow the third world to actually develop to the level of the industrialized nations...
The tie between energy supply, population, and the economy goes back to the hunter-gatherer period. Hunter-gatherers managed to multiply their population at least 4-fold, and perhaps by as much as 25-fold, by using energy...
The usual assumption that economists, financial planners, and actuaries make is that future real GDP growth can be expected to be fairly similar to the average past growth rate for some historical time period...
This is a guest post by Lucas Chanel, Research Fellow in economics, and Thomas Spencer, Research Fellow in climate and energy policies, both at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently issued a new working paper called “The Future of Oil: Geology versus Technology” (free PDF), which should be of interest to people who are following “peak oil”...
This is a guest post by Dr. Mingqi Li, an associate professor of economics at the University of Utah.
Today’s resignation of Chris Huhne, the UK Minister for Climate Change, offers the prospect of a belated return to sanity at the former Ministry of Agriculture in Whitehall...
In recent years, we have heard statements indicating that it is possible to decouple GDP growth from energy growth. I have been looking at the relationship between world GDP and world energy use and am becoming increasingly...
Ecological economist David Stern recently wrote a paper on the importance of energy for economic growth aptly titled 'The Role of Energy in Economic Growth'...
Despite all of the ongoing efforts to increase renewable energy and curb our carbon footprints, carbon dioxide emissions in the United States rose 3.9 percent last year. While this is upsetting in itself, what’s even...
This post is a lightly edited crosspost from Early Warning looking at the implications of some estimates in the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook for oil elasticities, as well as the IMF's projections...
This is a guest post by Bob Lloyd. Bob is an associate professor of energy studies at Otago University in New Zealand.
Global GDP data from the USDA. Primary energy data and energy prices from the BP statistical reveiw of world energy 2009.
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