the best that can be said about this urgent policymaking is that it got ahead of the science, which was only thinly related to the facts”
Members are ditching former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney's Net Zero Asset Alliance, amidst claims of greenwashing and fears of legal exposure.
Members are ditching Bank of England Governor Mark Carney's Net Zero Asset Alliance, amidst claims of greenwashing and fears of legal exposure.
One would think that the appropriateness of the image of a central banker as a ‘rock star’ is the least of our worries in a world beset by the Covid-19 restrictions and widespread economic carnage...
Green campaigners seek to embarrass Bank over role of Tullow Oil exec Dorothy Thompson
Bank of England governor warns of financial collapse linked to climate emergency
Richard Murphy and Colin Hines suggest a number of ways that revenue could be raised to fund energy efficiency in all buildings, renewables and local transport systemsThe counter to Larry Elliott’s gloomy economic projections...
George Osborne needs to stop pushing 20th-century fuels as the solution for 21st-century energy problems
Bank of England governor tells Lloyd’s insurers that ‘challenges currently posed by climate change pale in significance compared with what might come’
Bank of England governor lends his support to carbon bubble theory that coal, gas and oil assets are at risk, reports BusinessGreen
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