Michael Jantzen's transformable chair and table can be swapped out and changed in order to suit your moods and changing style. The knobs can be turned on the chair and table and different colored and/or printed fabrics can...
The Oak Tree Ring House is a new kind of interactive home designed by Michael Jantzen. The space was designed with a temperate climate in mind and the structure consists of a large circular steel support frame in...
Prolific designer Michael Jantzen completed a conceptual proposal that uses engaging design to spur greater global climate change debate and education...
Michael Jantzen has unveiled a conceptual design for the Sun Rays Visitor Center, a steel and concrete educational facility that doubles as a solar electric power plant in the desert...
Michael Jantzen's pavilion proposal is designed as a tourist attraction for the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Its design is intended to sustainably celebrate the great diversity, and the future of food production...
Michael Jantzen designed the Pavilion of the Rising Sun, a proposal for a large public space that gathers energy from the sun and distributes it out into the local community...
Jantzen designed the building with the idea of absolute flexibility in mind. The structure is meant to meet the spatial needs and desires of different users. The rubber wheels allow visitors to reshape the space themselves...
Michael Jantzen’s Eco-Aquaponic House is a cylindrical steel structure that creates a self-sustaining environment for growing fish and plants - waste generated by the fish is used to fertilize the crops...
Artist Michael Jantzen has released designs for a solar-powered seed-sowing machine that would plant flowers in response to evidence of environmental destruction. Placed in various locations around the world, these structures...
Read the rest of Michael Jantzen’s Solar-Powered Transformation House Rotates to Create Different Rooms! Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: adaptable construction, green architecture, michael...
Read the rest of Prefab M-velope Retreats Shift and Slide into a Bevy of Fun Shapes Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: building regulations, eco design, green design, m-velope, michael jantzen, prefabricated...
Michael Jantzen’s Solar Eclipse Pavilion is a sprawling steel sculpture designed to create a shady public meeting space. But instead of serving just one function the artistic installation is capped with a 7,000 square...
Read the rest of Michael Jantzen’s Solar Science Center is Powered by Towering Photovoltaic Antenna Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: futuristic solar scence, green design, green energy, michael...
Read the rest of Michael Jantzen Deconstructs the Suburbs with a Mind-Bending Series of Altered Photos Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: deconstructing the houses, green design, michael jantzen, photo...
The great river turbine is a conceptual design for a large (one hundred foot diameter) stainless steel water turbine developed to function as a tourist attraction and as a powerful electricity generator...
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