As we approach the tenth anniversary of Climategate and are deluged with whitewashing and revisionist history, we will post a few articles, but cannot counter everything...
Why do these quotes sound so drearily familiar? “It is inappropriate for you to question the motives or quality of our science.” “You will not last long in your career.” “I hope you will refrain...
Jean S revisited “Black Tuesday” with a post on Climate Audit. Even though I’ve seen these graphs before. It is still so arresting:
Jean S revisited “Black Tuesday” with a post on Climate Audit. Even though I’ve seen these graphs before. It is still so arresting:
The alarmist line goes like this: peer-review is the process which separates ‘proper’ science from the incoherent rantings of deniers. Publication in a peer-reviewed journal is the gold standard by which climate...
Phil Jones of Climategate fame made some extraordinary remarks that seem to have been overlooked until now. This was a presentation for Help Rescue The Planet’s St George’s House Consultations in Windsor, 2012....
Image Credit: Bob Tisdale – By WUWT Regular Just The Facts The recent Adjustments/Corrections to the HadCRUT4 and CRUTEM4 Temperature Data Sets by the Met Office Hadley Centre and Climatic Research...
Guest essay by Tony Brown Some readers might recall my recent article ‘The Long Slow Thaw?’ In this I reconstructed Central England temperature to 1538 from its current instrumental date of 1659...
Guest post by Dr. Tim Ball It is important for the person who leaked the emails from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in November 2009 and 2010 to reveal themselves and release the remaining 200,000 emails. The public are...
If you have not read this yet, now is the time. Given what president Obama recently said about skeptics in his inauguration address, I thought this 2010 article would be worth revisiting. In Germany, there’s a revolution...
If you have not read this yet, now is the time. In Germany, there’s a revolution going on. That revolution is that they are backing away from the global warming issue, and taking on much more pragmatic outlook on it...
Guest post by Chris Horner Information continues to flow in the struggle to bail out the Hockey Team, piecing together the relevant “context” to ClimateGate...
While the Met Office and others try to spin their way out of their current 16 year flatlining of warming, it is important to remember a few points made in the past...
A report in the UK Daily Mail reveals a Met Office report quietly released… and here is the chart to prove it: By David Rose The figures reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012 there was no …...
Over at Climate Audit, Steve reports on the Update for the FOI for the Wahl Attachments He’s wondering about the use of that mailserver and why there are inconsistencies, for example: I have a quick question for the...
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