Guest “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Renewable Energy Dogmatism Party?” by David Middleton Renewable Energy Dogmatism Is Turning the World Red...
Guest “Let them fix the problem” by David Middleton World’s Dirtiest Cities List Raises Issue: Why Don’t Politicians Call Out China?By David HoltSeptember 02, 2021 Ponder this: A new tally…
Guest “Cold Warrior-ing” by David Middleton Those readers who either aren’t proficient in the English language and/or don’t remember the Cold War, may be unfamiliar with the acronym: ChiCom...
Guest sarcasm by David Middleton Some recent headlines: China is positioned to lead on climate change as the US rolls back its policies, September 12, 2019 Country Is Playing Leading Role in the Debate Over Climate Change,...
Guest post by David Middleton The purveyors of greenschist (a geologically inspired euphemism for green sh!t) seem to have an obsession with a phrase that they clearly do not comprehend: Tipping point...
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