On Friday This American Life, a popular public radio show, retracted a story on Apple factory abuse in China that turned out to be full of fabrications...
On Friday This American Life, a popular public radio show, announced a retraction after details about a story on Apple factory abuse in China turned out to be full of fabrications...
On Friday This American Life, a popular public radio show show, announced a retraction after details about a story on Apple factory abuse in China turned out to be full of fabrications...
On Friday, NPR’s This American Life retracted its most popular episode ever (888,000 downloads): a stunning exposé of Apple’s employee abuses at Foxconn Technology, their supplier in Shenzen, China...
From time to time, scientists inadvertently use contaminated data and their results are affected. For example, some time after publication of Grand et al (PNAS 2004), the authors determined that their results were erroneous...
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