Riverfront revitalization and sustainable adaptive reuse combine at the Beloit College Powerhouse, a Studio Gang-designed student union focused on recreation and wellness...
In its ongoing efforts to introduce imaginative public spaces into cities, New York-based Ballman Khapalova has unveiled a proposal to turn a section of the Tiber River into a new vital center for public life in Rome dubbed...
Seoul has announced yet another inspiring eco-oriented urban project — a waterfront revitalization scheme designed by Dutch firm MVRDV. Dubbed “The Weaves,” the new public space will transform the Tancheon Valley and...
Beijing-based architectural firm MAD Architects has won a competition for Zhejiang’s Yiwu Grand Theater with a proposal that’s stunning, sculptural and site-specific...
Cities across the world are reclaiming their waterfronts - and that includes London, where a series of verdant gardens are sprouting to reconnect the populace with the Thames River...
A giant gleaming arch clad in solar panels is set to transform the waterfront of downtown Willimantic. This spectacular energy-generating artwork, called Rio Iluminado, was revealed today as the winner of Land Art Generator...
The main idea of the masterplan is to provide more connectivity within the area and improve transport facilities like the local metro, bus and tram routes and cycling and walking infrastructure...
Comprising an area of nearly 40 acres, the massive building is designed with 22 seven-story high concrete ribs and over 10,000 panels of glass. After completing the structural frame, KPF snapped several in-progress photographs...
You don’t often hear about a wall being an object of desire, but that is exactly what Gitta Gschwendtner’s Animal Wall is for residents of all species in Cardiff Bay, UK...
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