Created for the University of Utah’s annual Design Build Bluff project, Cedar Hall is located next to the historic John Albert Scorup House, a historic 1890s property that, despite twelve years of effort, is unable to accommodate...
Son Reinterprets Father's Designs in Salvaged Woods From the California Valley That Appear to be on the Edge of Crumbling Away When I joined the family furniture business last year I wanted to do something to take some ownership...
Envisioned as a haven for creatives, Mill No. 5 is anchored by office spaces for small tech start-ups. The mixed-use building, however, is very different from your average office complex. In addition to its eclectic vibe...
Kusakabe is a new kaiseki-style sushi bar that has elevated sustainable building to a new level of elegance. Designed and constructed by ArcHive designbuild, located in San Francisco’s historic Jackson Square, the 31-seat...
A first glance this may appear to be just another nice-looking modern home — until you realize that it is constructed almost entirely from salvaged materials sourced within a nine mile radius of the building site...
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