scientific consensus, Tag
Guest essay by Brandon Shollenberger Last week, John Cook published a piece in the Europhysics News magazine in which he, quite literally, fabricates a quote. You can see the details here, but basically, he took the old...
David Burton writes: I just realized the obvious answer to a question that has been nagging in the back of my mind for nearly a year and a half. In 2008 Margaret Zimmerman asked two questions of 10,257 Earth Scientists at...
By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Three-quarters (rounded up to 97.1%) of all commenters expressing an opinion on my recent post about Dana Nuccitelli’s attempt at ex-post-facto justification of the false assertion in...
By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Not the least of many signs that the rationalists who have dared to doubt the official story are winning the debate on the climate is the childish bluster to which the dwindling band of...
UPDATE: While this paper (a rebuttal) has been accepted, another paper by Cook and Nuccitelli has been flat out rejected by the journal Earth System Dynamics...
From Forbes writer James Taylor: Don’t look now, but maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all. Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming...
Dr. Matt Ridley writes: My recent WSJ article got a reaction from Slate: Source: My response...
But, we all know that 97% consensus talking point is simply based on a handful of actual climate responding to a broad questionnaire combined with some statistical spin to give the desired result...
Consensus does not necessarily guarantee sound science Guest post by Forrest M. Mims III Consensus is often cited in support of scientific paradigms, including anthropogenic climate change. Australian physicist Tom Quirk...
- Popular Related Tags: scientific consensus, global warming, john cook, skeptical science, consensus, intergovernmental panel on climate change, climatology, robin warren, michigan state university, slate
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