But what about that big ball of gas in the sky? Why does it get short shrift when it comes to the causes of climate change?
Parker planned to get more than seven times closer to the sun than previous spacecraft, hitting 430,000 mph (690,000 kph) at closest approach. It’s the fastest spacecraft ever built and is outfitted with a heat shield that...
The Green-house Gas Forcer vs. The Winter Gatekeeper
These 9 charts from the Statistical Review Of World Energy expose the myth of the energy transition & show hydrocarbons are growing faster than alt-energy
For the first time, the IPCC’s doctrine of CO2 as a ‘control knob’ in our climate faces a serious challenger in the form of a comprehensive hypothesis about what drives climate and its shifts.[1][2] This article is...
The Sun has a lot to say about future climate, but we are not listening. Long-term changes in solar activity are cyclical, and what adds to warming now will subtract from it in the future.
Yes, it is clear from the data and the literature that climate regimes and climate shifts driven by transport of heat and moisture are for real.
The data and the science fully support the Winter Gate-keeper hypothesis in this respect.
You can recognize ignorant climate alarmists who try to dismiss the effects of ENSO falsely stating there is no net warming from ENSO, because it simply causes a back and forth warming and cooling that doesn’t affect long...
...controlling our emissions, which has become the main goal of the UN and the Western world, may not have much effect on future climate.
The report concludes that “natural gas and nuclear power lead the rest of the class in generating clean and affordable energy”.
He seems to have created it as a parody of a TSI reconstruction. Instead, he argues that the scientific community should stick to using the SATIRE reconstructions of the MPS group or reconstructions that are similar, e.g.,...
From MasterResource By Steve Goreham “The green movement calls for a shutdown of coal and gas power plants. At the same time, it demands a switch to electric vehicles, electric…
David Archibald Religious cults promise a wonderful future if only people would believe. The promise the global warming cult made is that we would see the end of snow, no…
Miyake events are believed to be several orders of magnitude greater than the Carrington Event. It is not clear what causes the event. If a Miyake event equivalent to the one in the year 774 occurs now, it will lead to an...
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