take action, Tag

  • Trump Watch September 20 2017 Thu, 21 Sep 17, 3:22am
    Day 235: Trump is an embarrassment Why do we let him go anywhere, especially the U.N. Further Reading: Trump’s first speech to the United Nations was a disastrous, nationalistic flop Obama begins lucrative turn as Wall...
  • Stop Defunding of Clean Air Act Sat, 19 Feb 11, 10:43am
    Stop the defunding of the Clean Air Act! Tell your Senators that defunding would do nothing to reduce the deficit but would serve to promote short-term polluter profits over the health and economic benefits for the rest of...
  • Toxic Toys R Us Sat, 18 Dec 10, 4:02am
    Independent product testing has confirmed that Toys "R” Us is continuing to sell toys made with PVC. Chemicals released as PVC decomposes are linked to chronic diseases in children, impaired child development and ...
  • Do Care What Is In Your Food? Mon, 29 Nov 10, 2:16pm
    Please take action to stop the FAKE food safety bill, S. 510. As written, this bill will put large corporate farms and their lobbyists in charge of every aspect of our food production.This is another power play to use the...
  • The millions of dollars the American Chemistry Council (ACC) spent on lobbying and political campaign contributions apparently paid off for them.Eleventh-hour lobbying last week by the American Chemistry Council prevented...
  • Poisons in Our Homes Tue, 23 Nov 10, 2:59pm
    We must stop poisoning our water, our environment, our air, ourselves and our children. The law that should protect us, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), became law in 1976. New legislation has been proposed that...
  • Stop Open Pit Mine in Alaska Fri, 22 Oct 10, 9:18pm
    Bristol BayRight click on map to open a new window or tab with a larger map.The latest outrage is a proposal by foreign investors to dig an open-pit gold and copper mine, two thousand feet deep and two miles long, in the...
  • Join Greenpeace on Virtual Ship Sun, 15 Aug 10, 11:10am
    The Esperanza confronts reckless oil explorationThe Arctic Sunrise bears witness to the costs of deepwater drilling in the GulfThe virtual ship the Energy [R]evolution demands a clean energy futureIn the Gulf of Mexico, our...
  • Stop Poisoning Our Babies Thu, 5 Aug 10, 1:57pm
    My Grandchild--Take Action for HerIn the next few weeks, the U.S. Senate will decide on critical legislation that will affect the safety of the food supply in our nation. The Breast Cancer Fund and Sen. Dianne Feinstein...
  • Urgent Action Needed On Climate Bill Sat, 24 Jul 10, 12:19am
    Include an RES! Take Action! Call and Urge Your Senators to Include A Strong Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) in the Energy Bill The media is reporting that, in just a few days, the U.S. Senate will begin consideration...
  • News has just emerged from the Gulf Coast that BP is burning endangered sea turtles alive. A boat captain who has been leading efforts to rescue the endangered turtles says BP has blocked his crews from entering the areas...
  • Ten Depressing Climate Facts Fri, 22 Jan 10, 2:28pm
    via Environmental Defense Action Fund:In the last year alone, new evidence has emerged that the climate crisis is nearer—and scarier—than we had believed.Please take action now to urge your Senators to support comprehensive...
  • Just Say NO to Big Oil and Coal Mon, 18 Jan 10, 2:04pm
    What's the latest bailout?It's a proposal from Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski and other Big Oil and Coal allies that would bail out big polluters by gutting the Clean Air Act and stripping President Obama's EPA of its ability...
  • Radioactive Waste Commission Punts [in Texas] | NukeFree.orgLast week, the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission postponed decision making for 30 days. The contentious issue the import and export of...
  • Popular Related Tags: take action, global warming, polar bears, bpa, politics, climate bill, environment, environmental defense fund, john prine, defenders of wildlife
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