It has not been a good week for the EPA. After wide media coverage yesterday put sunlight on the massive fraud of one of their top climate officials, now today, there is a challenge filed in SCOTUS. I have been … Continue...
This is stunning, yet not surprising. We know people get caught up in “the cause”, and that there are massive egos involved in some of the more visible climate advocates that lead them to irrational excesses of...
Images from: National Resources Defense Council blog Guest essay by Taylor Smith Last week I attended an Environmental Protection Agency “Public Listening Session” held here in Chicago. I had only been to one other...
Currently no scientific or logical basis for regulation of CO2 emissions, logician tells EPA Guest essay by Terry Oldberg Submitted to the EPA’s Public Listening Session on 111(d) Carbon Pollution Standards For Existing...
I’m posting this list of meetings at major cities around the USA in case anyone wishes to go and make your case. Based on my previous experiences, in my opinion, the EPA only does this for show, and they aren’t...
I’m posting this list of meetings at major cities around the USA in case anyone wishes to go and make your case. Based on my previous experiences, in my opinion, the EPA only does this for show, and they aren’t...
From Reuters (h/t to reader John) U.S. justices to hear challenge to Obama on climate change Tue, Oct 15 11:06 AM EDT By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – In a blow to the Obama administration, the Supreme Court...
Who needs a constitution or congress when you alone know what’s good for the American people? New EPA boss promises dictatorial action on global warming While speaking at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Gina...
This is an idea I’ve had for awhile, so I’m going to try it and see how it goes with reader interest. The “Hot Sheet” is a collection of snippets, links, and notes that I can’t write full posts...
This is an idea I’ve had for awhile, so I’m going to try it and see how it goes with reader interest. The “Hot Sheet” is a collection of snippets, links, and notes that I can’t write full posts...
Guest post by David Middleton Just when you think that the EPA cannot possibly get any more idiotic… U.S. EPA sues OG&E over work at Oklahoma coal power plants Tue Jul 9, 2013 (Reuters) – The U.S. Environmental...
At the request of the authors, this was converted from a poster displayed at the AGU Science Policy Conference, Washington, June 24-26. – Anthony By Paul C. Knappenberger and Patrick J. Michaels Center for the Study...
EPA fiats threaten American lives, livelihoods, living standards and life spans Guest essay by Paul Driessen The United States will “do more,” before it’s “too late” to prevent “dangerous” global warming, President...
US politicians and bureaucrats have less compassion and common sense than an average Londoner Guest essay by Paul Driessen “You’ve heard of Live Aid? Well, this is Drive Aid,” an ardent young man says, as he approaches...
From the “Department of Unintended Consequences” and Georgia State University comes this oops moment in science. And all that time we are being told by people like Peter Stott that it was the increase in “global...
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