Stuart and Cedar Anderson come from a long line of beekeeping, but the father and son duo are revolutionizing the beekeeping world with their own invention, the Flow Hive...
"Work hard, stay bumble," is the motto of Detroit nonprofit Detroit Hives. The organization aims to conserve honeybees by turning abandoned lots into community urban bee farms. Timothy Paule and Nicole Lindsey started the...
In an effort to preserve the ancient art of beekeeping, and safely bring it to a new, young audience, industrial designer Francesco Faccin has created the Honey Factory...
Project B: Fundamental to the biodiversity cycle, and essential to our food chain, bee populations in industrial countries are decreasing at an alarming rate due to changes dictated by the industrialization of nature’s...
We know that honeybees are having a rough time, so naturally we're excited to hear about Flow Hive—a new honey collection and extraction system that allows beekeepers to easily extract honey from their hives by quite...
We know that honeybees are having a rough time, so naturally we're excited to hear about Flow Hive—a new honey collection and extraction system that allows beekeepers to easily extract honey from their hives by quite...
The gorgeous Vulkan Beehives were designed to reflect their use - multi-faceted cut honeycomb with a stretched texturized hexagon pattern on each of its surfaces...
A new crowdfunding project aims to put the power to fight colony collapse disorder in the hands of everyday people. Now, anyone can log on and download a simple design for their own internet-connected beehive. These hives...
The brilliant b-Shack developed by McGill School of Architecture students is an urban beehive that doubles as an educational facility. The project will bring urban beekeepers and volunteers together to help foster Montreal's...
Urban beekeeping has never been easier than with the sporty Beehaus. Resembling a picnic cooler, the easily maintainable hive is actually two hives in one, with two entrances that accommodate 22 separate frames. Made for...
Urban Beehive by Philips Traditionally, beehives have been little more than wooden boxes with multiple internal screens upon which bees can deposit honey...
Seeking to help restore the world’s declining honey bee population, designer Rowan Dunford has created a simple, stackable beehive that makes it easy for anyone to raise bees...
Read the rest of The Sky Hive Is a Towering High Rise for Bees in Downtown Maastricht Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: Bee Collective, bees, eco design, green design, Masstricht, Sky Hive, Sphinxpark,...
The ‘Be a Bee’ pavilion at the international garden fair Floriade, is an initiative by the Dutch Beekeepers Association designed to give the face of beekeeping a fresh new look...
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