Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I noticed that WUWT has a recent post about an interesting study that has identified the mystery huge volcanic eruption in 1831...
To find the volcano, researchers compared the chemistry of microscopic shards of ash extracted from ice cores drilled in Greenland with samples from the Zavaritskii caldera...
Harnessing wind, hydro and maybe geothermal power, the tiny Canary Island of El Hierro is blazing a trail for sustainable energy – and the secret is all in the mix
I present arguments that support the view that we are facing an extraordinary and extremely rare natural event in climate history.
Hence any “increase in volcanic eruptions due to ongoing deglaciation since the end of the Little Ice Age may not become apparent for hundreds of years.”
The tremendous amount of water vapor that this volcano sent to the stratosphere led to a rapid production of sulfate aerosol particles that we were able to observe within days of the eruption,
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Yesterday, Anthony Watts posted a most interesting discussion of the Hunga-Tonga volcano, entitled “Record Global Temperatures Driven by Hunga-Tonga Volcanic Water Vapor – Visualized“...
Image above: Global Water Vapor – Source: NASA: Readers may recall that we have reported on the massive amount of water vapor that has been injected into...
...the Tonga volcano didn’t inject large amounts of aerosols into the stratosphere, and the huge amounts of water vapor from the eruption may have a small, temporary warming effect, since water vapor traps heat.
Based upon the last few months, it seems the effect of 🌋on global temperatures may have been greatly underestimated.
Metals could be extracted from magmatic brines while producing geothermal power at same time, say scientists
Mark Steyn discussing the gaping gaps in today's climate science with Australia's Joanne Nova.
... But we can't consider it a Paris Agreement breach, because volcanic impacts on climate change are natural, not manmade.
Christy – who receives no funding from the fossil fuel industry – provides data-substantiated clarity on a host of issues, further refuting the climate crisis narrative.
The huge amount of water vapor hurled into the atmosphere, as detected by NASA’s Microwave Limb Sounder, could end up temporarily warming Earth’s surface.
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