Harnessing wind, hydro and maybe geothermal power, the tiny Canary Island of El Hierro is blazing a trail for sustainable energy – and the secret is all in the mix
“They say the wind drives them mad. It’s a vibration issue because those structures are as tall as 50-story buildings… The wind is howling, objects are moving, creating vibrations and noise. You know what I want to...
By Jo Nova For some reason more than a thousand whales, dolphins and porpoises died around the UK’s coastline every year for the last eight years...
These 11 charts show how America’s biggest NGOs are colluding with foreign corporations that want to industrialize our oceans with thousands of turbines that will hurt whales and ratepayers
Cumulative impact analysis is specifically called for by the Endangered Species Act, and the lawsuit simply asks that this law be enforced by the Court...
Suction bucket technology is simple and elegant.
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the National Marine Fisheries Service have violated federal law by finding that the Virginia Offshore Wind project will not result in the destruction of the North Atlantic right whale...
Windfarm critics claim projects will harm marine life. Scientists say that’s not backed by credible evidence
Humpbacks and fin whales at risk, as study predicts increased ship traffic could cause a 30-fold increase in fatal collisions over the next decade
Clearly a thorough investigation is called for. In the meantime this illegal harassment must cease. Active IHAs should be suspended and no more issued until this issue is resolved.
Ex-president attacks clean energy by making multiple false statements at South Carolina rally
it’s clear that the American people and our representatives cannot trust NOAA and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the two government agencies that, for years, have repeatedly betrayed the public’s trust...
Unwitting whale advocates and rightwing thinktanks create the impression that offshore wind energy projects endanger cetaceans
By Jo Nova Let it be known that the skeptics are, and always have been, the environment’s best friend. The Green’s, sadly are the wilderness wrecking, naive minions of the Establishment Powers who will sacrifice...
In the offshore wind stampede Biden’s National Marine Fisheries Service has lost sight of its mission to protect marine mammals.
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