Silicon Valley-based ReGen Villages has teamed up with Swedish architecture firm White Arkitekter to develop ReGen Villages Sweden, a vision for smart, self-sufficient communities throughout the Scandinavian country...
This minimalist bath house allows inhabitants of Karlshamn, Sweden, to enjoying the sea all year round. White Arkitekter designed the timber-clad building to age naturally for low-maintenance facilities that straddle both...
Located just below the Arctic Circle, the city of Skellefteå is surrounded by dense forests and renowned for its wooden buildings and timber construction techniques that range from traditional methods to modern technology...
Japanese architect Yoji Kasajima built the Yasuragi Spa Hotel back in 1970. Located on Cape Hasseludden, it was first used as a conference center before it was turned into a Japanese-style hotel in 1997. Its new brilliant...
Kiruna was founded by a state-run mining company in 1900, and many subsequent years of iron mining since have caused dangerous underground cracks to form beneath the city...
The collaboration is part of a promotional campaign for local printing firm Göteborgstryckeriet. Lind designed the three-meter house "in the style of a Swedish friggebod, a small cottage-like building which is popular...
Read the rest of Prefabricated Southend Pier Cultural Centre Sits At the End of the World’s Longest Pleasure Pier Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture", cultural centre,...
Read the rest of Denmark’s Spiraling Wood Sea Bath is an Oceanic Oasis for Swimmers Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: Denmark, eco design, green design, Katstrup Sea Bath, LED lights, recreation,...
Read the rest of Denmark’ Spiraling Wood Sea Bath is an Oceanic Oasis for Swimmers Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: Denmark, eco design, green design, Katstrup Sea Bath, LED lights, recreation,...
Read the rest of Stockholm’s Shining Waterfront Centre is a Shape-Shifting Low-Energy Venue
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