A multi-year surplus accumulation of snowfall in excess of snowmelt on land and resulting in a very large mass of ice.
Search the Web for Ice CoreSustainable energy refers to energy sources which are in themselves sustainable; e.g. they are not considered finite.
Typically these consist of: Hydro, solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and tidal.
Note: it is important when considering the technologies that utilize sustainable energy sources that the total lifetime cost is fully considered (e.g. from manufacturer, deployment, ongoing maintenance, to final disposal). Although the energy source many not be finite, the lifetime of operation of the technology to access them is finite and this should be considered. Basically there is no point in picking a sustainable energy source using a technology which requires constant maintenance or replacement, there is no net benefit to the environment or the consumer of the energy (higher costs and less reliable).
Adverse effects on the normal functioning of the immune system, caused by exposure to a toxic chemical. Changes in immune function could produce higher rates of infectious diseases or cancer, or more severe cases of those diseases. Immunotoxic chemicals can also cause auto-immune disease or allergic reactions.
Search the Web for ImmunotoxicityClimate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth.
In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes in modern climate. It may be qualified as anthropogenic climate change, more generally known as global warming.
Wikipedia - Climate Change entry
Search the Web for ImperviousLight that shines onto the face of a solar cell or module.
Search the Web for Incident LightClimate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth.
In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes in modern climate. It may be qualified as anthropogenic climate change, more generally known as global warming.
Wikipedia - Climate Change entry
Search the Web for IncinerationAn unseasonably warm spell with clear skies near the middle of autumn. Usually follows a substantial period of cool weather.
Search the Web for Indian SummerClimate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth.
In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes in modern climate. It may be qualified as anthropogenic climate change, more generally known as global warming.
Wikipedia - Climate Change entry
Search the Web for Indoor Air QualityA variable speed multi-pole electric generator.
Search the Web for Induction GeneratorLeakage of ground water into a sewage collection system.
Search the Web for InfiltrationThe heat energy that is emitted from all solids, liquids, and gases. In the context of the greenhouse issue, the term refers to the heat energy emitted by the Earth's surface and its atmosphere. Greenhouse gases strongly absorb this radiation in the Earth's atmosphere, and re-radiate some back towards the surface, creating the greenhouse effect.
Search the Web for Infra-red RadiationMade from plant sugars from corn. Firstly the sugar is fermented, then transformed into a polymer called polylactide.
Search the Web for Ingeo
A compound composed of one sulfur and two oxygen molecules. Sulfur dioxide emitted into the atmosphere through natural and anthropogenic processes is changed in a complex series of chemical reactions in the atmosphere to sulfate aerosols. These aerosols are believed to result in negative radiative forcing (i.e., tending to cool the Earth's surface) and do result in acid deposition (e.g., acid rain).
Search the Web for InsecticideCarbon is the chemical element with symbol C and atomic
number 6. As a member of group 14 on the periodic table, it is nonmetallic
and tetravalent—making four electrons available to
form covalent chemical
bonds. There are three naturally occurring isotopes, with 12C
and 13C
being stable, while 14C is radioactive, decaying with a half-life
of about 5730 years.
Carbon is one of the few
elements known since antiquity.
The name "carbon" comes from Latin language carbo, coal.
See the full entry on wikipedia
Insulating walls may use light but effective insulating materials such as fiberglass batts, strawbale or foam; or from heavier materials which have the benefit of good thermal mass, storing heat or coolness, e.g. stone, or earth construction, or insulating concrete forms.
Search the Web for Insulating WallsMaterials that are able to adapt to their environment by altering their properties. Examples of intelligent materials include liquid crystal glass which changes from transparent to opaque upon application of a current, and thermo-chromic glazing that changes transparency in response to ambient temperatures.
Search the Web for Intelligent MaterialsIntercropping is the practice of growing two or more crops in close proximity. The most common goal of intercropping is to produce a greater yield on a given piece of land by making use of resources that would otherwise not be utilized by a single crop. Careful planning is required, taking into account the soil, climate, crops, and varieties. It is particularly important not to have crops competing with each other for physical space, nutrients, water, or sunlight. Examples of intercropping strategies are planting a deep-rooted crop with a shallow-rooted crop, or planting a tall crop with a shorter crop that requires partial shade.
Search the Web for IntercroppingClimate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth.
In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes in modern climate. It may be qualified as anthropogenic climate change, more generally known as global warming.
Wikipedia - Climate Change entry
Search the Web for InvasiveClimate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth.
In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes in modern climate. It may be qualified as anthropogenic climate change, more generally known as global warming.
Wikipedia - Climate Change entry
Search the Web for InversionClimate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth.
In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes in modern climate. It may be qualified as anthropogenic climate change, more generally known as global warming.
Wikipedia - Climate Change entry
Search the Web for InverterA Carbon Tax is a government imposed taxation on source goods and services in an attempt to reduce the production of carbon into the atmosphere.
Usually implemented as a form of 'at source' taxation; i.e. those whom manufacturer or consume the most carbon pay and everybody else on the supply chain picks up the price increase. This is often encountered with a carbon credit scheme, by which carbon producers can 'offset' their taxable carbon emissions against less carbon intense production methods.
As always with such schemes, the devil is in the detail; in particular there has been problems in the past with carbon fraud.
Note: This equally applies to the energy production sector as basic manufacturing; say if coal is being used as a source of electrical power.
Carbon is the chemical element with symbol C and atomic
number 6. As a member of group 14 on the periodic table, it is nonmetallic
and tetravalent—making four electrons available to
form covalent chemical
bonds. There are three naturally occurring isotopes, with 12C
and 13C
being stable, while 14C is radioactive, decaying with a half-life
of about 5730 years.
Carbon is one of the few
elements known since antiquity.
The name "carbon" comes from Latin language carbo, coal.
See the full entry on wikipedia
Food subject to brief radioactivity, usually gamma rays, to kill insects, bacteria, and mold, and to permit storage without refrigeration.
Search the Web for Irradiated FoodLines connecting points of equal temperature on a weather map.
Search the Web for Isotherms