A nearly level land area that was formed as a lake bed.
Search the Web for Lacustrine PlainA wind blowing onshore from the surface of a lake.
Search the Web for Lake BreezeA nocturnal coastal breeze that blows from land to sea. In the evening the water may be warmer than the land, causing pressure differences. The land breeze is the flow of air from land to sea equalizing these pressure differences. See sea breeze.
Search the Web for Land BreezeThe part of the earth between the crust and the core.
Search the Web for LandfillEnergy obtained from sources that are essentially inexhaustible, unlike, for example, the fossil fuels, of which there is a finite supply. Renewable sources of energy include wood, waste, geothermal, wind, photovoltaic, and solar thermal energy.
Search the Web for Landfill GasThe study of the distribution patterns of communities and ecosystems, the ecological processes that affect those patterns, and changes in pattern and process over time.
Search the Web for Landscape EcologyWater that collects contaminants as it trickles through wastes, pesticides or fertilizers. Leaching may occur in farming areas, feedlots, and landfills, and may result in hazardous substances entering surface water, ground water, or soil.
Search the Web for LeachateLED lighting is often a replacement to old filament light bulbs. It often has much better power efficiency and can last a lot longer, as long as they have good cooling.
The comprehensive examination of a product's environmental and economic effects throughout its lifetime, including raw material extraction, transportation, manufacturing, use and disposal.
Search the Web for Life-Cycle AssessmentThe estimated cost of owning and operating a system for the period of its useful life. usually applied to photo voltaic systems and renewable energy systems.
Search the Web for Life-Cycle CostThe view that society can be made sustainable without transforming the fundamentals of our current economic and social system. Alternatively, the view that environmental, social and economic needs should be given fairly equal weight. Compare against deep green and dark green.
Search the Web for Light GreenManufacturing activities that use moderate amounts of partially processed materials to produce items of relatively high value per unit weight (see Heavy Industry).
Search the Web for Light IndustryA type of fast acting fuse used to protect the solar power system in the event of a lightning strike.
Search the Web for Lightning ArrestorA brownish-black coal of low rank with high inherent moisture and volatile matter content, used almost exclusively for electric power generation. Also referred to as brown coal.
Search the Web for LigniteUse of a limestone and water solution to remove gaseous stack-pipe sulfur before it reaches the atmosphere.
Search the Web for Limestone ScrubbingThe study of the physical, chemical, hydrological, and biological aspects of fresh water.
Search the Web for LimnologyA pesticide that causes adverse health effects in domestic water supplies and is toxic to freshwater fish and aquatic life.
Search the Web for LindaneA seed that comes from flax that is used to produce oil and environmentally friendly vegetable-based inks.
The component of the Earth's surface comprising the rock, soil, and sediments.
Search the Web for LithosphereLocalvore describes someone who adheres to a locally sourced diet. A localvore only eats food grown within a given nearby area, buying fresh and usually organic produce directly from farmers and small markets. Localvores often have direct relationships with local farmers, whose presence is essential to the ecological diversity and sustainability of the region, and their avoidance of large-scale farms and transportation costs reduces the environmental impact of their eating.
Search the Web for LocalvoreLow flow plumbing fixtures include faucets, toilets and shower heads. Installing low-flow toilets and showerheads, and
aerators for faucets is a simple strategy to cut water use.
A toilet that uses less water than a traditional unit, thereby lowering costs. Dual-flush toilets are a good example a low-flush technology.
Search the Web for Low-flush Toilets