Photosynthesis, definition of
- Photosynthesis
A cell producing an electric current direct from a chemical reaction.
EcoWho Articles where 'Photosynthesis' used:- Whats the fuss about Biochar?
Biochar - what is it? This article explains what biochar is and how it will help us with carbon capture and improving the soil.
News & Blog articles where 'Photosynthesis' used:- Genetic tweak to three key crops massively boosts their growth
The growth of maize, sugarcane and sorghum has been greatly boosted by modifying the plants to take advantage of higher carbon dioxide levels now found in the air. - Will food soon grow in labs with artificial photosynthesis?
Sometimes we assume that the natural way is the best way, or it doesn’t even occur to us to look for an alternative. Especially for the most basic things. But some scientists are questioning photosynthesis, the way plants use the sun’s energy for...
- Will Planting Trees Reduce Global Warming?
The mutual relationships between forests and climate are actually really rather more complex and not fully understood. - Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations globally affect photosynthesis of peat-forming mosses
Although peatlands cover only three per cent of the global land surface, they store a third of the global soil carbon. Thus, uptake of CO2 by peat mosses is important, but little is known about how their physiology is affected by rising CO2 levels - WVU biologists uncover forests’ unexpected role in climate change
New research from West Virginia University biologists shows that trees around the world are consuming more carbon dioxide than previously reported, making forests even more important in regulating the Earth's atmosphere and forever shift how we think... - Rice genetically engineered to resist heat waves can also produce up to 20% more grain
From Science Mag By Erik Stokstad Apr. 21, 2020 , 1:10 PM … “This is exciting news,” says Maria Ermakova of Australian National University, who works on improving photosynthesis. The genetic modification worked in three kinds of plants—a mustard... - Precipitation will be essential for plants to counteract global warming
New study first to demonstrate that the balance between soil water and energy input into an ecosystem determines whether its plant growth is limited by precipitation or by temperature Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied ScienceShare Print E-Mail... - Study identifies new temperature sensing mechanism in plants
Phytochrome foci have different behaviors at different temperatures and types of light University of California – Riverside A protein called phytochrome B, which can sense light and temperature, triggers plant growth and controls flowering time... - On Mars or Earth, biohybrid can turn carbon dioxide into new products
Bacteria on nanowires convert sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to organic building blocks University of California – Berkeley If humans ever hope to colonize Mars, the settlers will need to manufacture on-planet a huge range of organic compounds,... - Scientists get closer to artificial photosynthesis for renewable energy
Scientists at Berkeley Lab are getting close to a long-held goal of using artificial photosynthesis to generate renewable energy from the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere...
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