solar orientation, definition of

Solar Orientation

The refers to using the periodic movement of the waves to generate power, usually in the form of electrical energy.

The wave energy can either be harvested out to sea using buoys or arrays of pontoons. Also if a coastline 'funnels' the waves in the right way, you can construct a wave dam to generate power by hydro.

EcoWho Articles where 'solar orientation' used:
  • The importance of building orientation
    Building orientation to the Sun is important to reduce energy consumption, keeping comfortable and saving money. This article explains how best to get building orientation correct. Through a combination of benefits and opportunities the correct building orientation could save you thousands.
  • What is Passive Solar?
    Passive solar building design is explained and how passive solar principals are used to design green homes and buildings, and save you money.
  • Keeping your home Cool in Summer or Warm in Winter for free!
    How to keep cool or warm in your home by design, either in Summer or Winter, whilst reducing costs to you and the Earth..
News & Blog articles where 'solar orientation' used:

Related Tags: passive solar, architecture, building

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