troposphere, definition of


A smart meter is a form of electricity consumption meter that is able to measure your electricity usage in multiple time bands and is computer based. Also they will usually support 'feed in' measurement of locally generated electricity back into the electrical supply grid; i.e. any spare electricity generated by solar panels.

News & Blog articles where 'troposphere' used:
  • Is Warming Accelerating in the Troposphere?
    ...the new NOAA data do not support a claim that warming in the troposphere has undergone a statistically-significant change in trend.
  • The Cooling Side of Greenhouse Gases
    Most people are unaware that the greenhouse gases CO2 and H2O, both warm & cool our planet. When I mention that CO2 has a cooling effect, I’m amazed by the hateful tirades from paranoid people who dismiss scientific truth as “dangerous misinformation”.
  • Scientists have a plan to cool the Earth with a sprinkle of salt
    Could salt help soothe our climate woes? Senior scientist Robert Nelson of the Planetary Science Institute seems to think so. At a recent Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Texas, Nelson suggested that sprinkling salt above clouds could hold off...
  • A plan to cool the Earth with salt
    Could salt help soothe our climate woes? Senior scientist Robert Nelson of the Planetary Science Institute seems to think so. At a recent Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Texas, Nelson suggested that sprinkling salt above clouds could hold off...
  • Volcanic Eruptions May Have Slowed Climate Change, New Study Shows
    Image of volcano eruption / Shutterstock According to a recent study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, an unusually high number of volcanic eruptions over the past 14 years may have helped to slow the progress of global warming...
  • UAH Global temperature, down slightly, “the pause” continues
    UAH v5.6 Global Temperature Update for Nov. 2013: +0.19 deg. C by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. The Version 5.6 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for November, 2013 is +0.19 deg. C, down from +0.29 deg. C in … Continue reading...
  • Chemtrails or Contrails? Another Alarmist Issue Without Scientific Context
    NOTE: like with the essay Saturday about isotasy/glacial rebound being a myth, I don’t think the chemtrails idea has any merit whatsoever. Dr. Tim Ball points out more bad science – chemtrails, which are really just contrails, and which has...
  • UAH global temperature – up .06C – not much change
    UAH Global Temperature Update for August, 2012: +0.34 deg. C By Dr. Roy Spencer The global average lower tropospheric temperature anomaly for August (+0.34 °C) was up from July 2012 (+0.28 °C): Here are the monthly departures from the 30-year …...
  • Arctic temperature anomaly uncertainties
    Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. writes of a new paper which suggest that Arctic temperaturehas even greater uncertainty problems. He writes (excerpts) New Paper “A Multi-Data Set Comparison Of The Vertical Structure Of Temperature Variability And Change Over The...
  • May UAH Global Temperature – unchanged
    UAH Global Temperature Update for May 2012: +0.29°C By Dr. Roy Spencer The global average lower tropospheric temperature anomaly for May 2012 (+0.29 °C) changed little from April (+0.30 °C), with some warming to near-average temperatures in the tropics...
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