wind farm, definition of
- Wind Farm
A cell producing an electric current direct from a chemical reaction.
EcoWho Articles where 'wind farm' used:EcoWho blog posts where 'wind farm' used:- Climate Fools Meeting in the UK
The UK just had a meeting at parliament of key climate skeptics and MPs to help educate other MPs and interested people in the real issues. - Surry Hills Library wins Sustainable Architecture Award
The Surry Hills Library and Community Centre in Sydney, Australia was recently awarded the 2010 National Award for Sustainable Architecture by the Australian Institute of Architects. - Ocean acidification $15B NGO cash grab
The NGO Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) is after $15B upfront, then $5B a year to improve our ability to measure ocean acidification on the basis of a 0.1 change in pH from 8.2 to 8.1. This is monumental waste of money and we explain why. - Wind Power, is it really Green?
Can wind power be considering a really green alternative energy source in its own right?
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